Formulation of elevator emergency management system

Formulation of elevator emergency management system

The elevator emergency device has been designed, but after all, it only needs to be used when the escalator is stopped or the elevator is rushed to repair, and the device is located in the elevator shaft, which will inevitably have a great impact on the normal operation of the elevator. Therefore, it is very important to formulate a special emergency management system.
1, the elevator use management unit should formulate the elevator accident emergency rescue system and emergency rescue plan according to the actual situation, equipped with elevator management personnel, implement the responsible person, configure the necessary professional rescue tools and 24h uninterrupted communication equipment.
2, the elevator use management unit should sign a maintenance contract with the elevator maintenance unit to clarify the responsibility of the elevator maintenance unit. The elevator maintenance unit, as one of the responsible units for maintenance and rescue work, should establish strict procedures and be equipped with a certain number of professional rescue personnel and corresponding professional tools to ensure that after receiving the elevator emergency report, it can arrive at the scene in time for maintenance and rescue.
3, it is strictly prohibited to power off the elevator and emergency hanging basket at the same time, and special emergency hanging basket operating procedures should be developed. When the elevator is used daily, the basket must be lowered to the bottom of the elevator shaft, and it must be reliably fixed to avoid entering the elevator operation area. Cut off the main power supply to the hanging basket in the machine room, and lock the machine room. The emergency rescue device can be used only when there is an elevator accident and the rescue cannot be carried out by conventional rescue means, or when the elevator fails and needs urgent repair but cannot enter the top of the elevator car through the household. When using the hanging basket, the main power supply of the elevator must be cut off to prevent the sudden start of the elevator from causing injury to the people in the hanging basket. The use of hanging basket must go through the necessary training, do the corresponding safety measures.

Post time: Mar-14-2024