Tsev of Elevator FJV-24
Lus piav qhia luv luv:
Qab nthab: kos duab teeb ntaub Tsheb pem hauv ntej phab ntsa: Kho kom zoo nkauj steel phaj + lub teeb sawb Tsheb sab phab ntsa: Kho kom zoo nkauj steel phaj + lub teeb sawb Tsheb pem hauv ntej phab ntsa: hniav hlau phaj + lub teeb sawb Hrail: tsis muaj pem teb: PVC (optinal marble)
Qab nthab: Art teeb ntaub
Tsheb rear phab ntsa: Kho kom zoo nkauj steel phaj + teeb sawb
Tsheb sab phab ntsa: Kho kom zoo nkauj steel phaj + lub teeb sawb
Tsheb pem hauv ntej phab ntsa: Kho kom zoo nkauj steel phaj + lub teeb sawb
Hrail: Tsis muaj
Pem teb: PVC (optinal marble)
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